History of the Company

1956 Business started.
1957 ltoh Optical Lens Works Ltd. was inco「PO「ated. (Capital:¥5,000,000)
1958 Sta「ted production of contact lenses the first in Japan.
1964 Started production of coated eyeglass lenses the first in Japan.
1965 Started p「oduction of color-coated lenses.
1967 Completed the head office building.
Itoh Optical Co.. Ltd. was incorporated.
1968 Released the non-glare color-coated lenses.
Started OEM supply to Nikon Corporation.
1969 Moved head office to the present location.
Changed company name to ltoh Optical Industrial Co, Ltd.
1970 Established plastics department Group company,
Tokai Seimitsu Industrial Co..Ltd was incorporated.
1973 Developed glass lens multi-coating technology (transmittance: 99.8%)
1975 Completed the north annex to the head office building.
1977 Increased capital of ltoh Optical Industrial Co. Ltd. to ¥50,000.000.
Completed extension of the Company's Plant 3.
1978 Started production of multi-coated color glass lenses.
Started production of CR-39 hard-coated eyeglass lenses the first in Japan.
1979 Completed extension of the North Building of the Head Office.
Started production of CR-39 multi-coat for eyeglass the first in Japan.
1983 Started production of CR-39 hard multi-coated eyeglass lenses.
1984 Started production of gas permeable hard contact lenses.
1985 Completed the new building of Tokai Seimitsu Industrial Co.. Ltd.
Started production of hard multi-coated plastic lenses of middle refraction.
1986 Completed Company's Plant 2.
1988 Started production of chemical-AR-coated lenses.
Exhibited at Vision Expo in New York.
1993 Started casting-molding of plastic lenses.
Released the impact registant coating for plastic lenses (Coating name: Alpha Coat) .
1995 Started production of lenses of l.60 refrective inde.
Started production of CD mirrors.
1997 Started production of lenses l.67 refractive index.
1998 Started production of DVD mirrors.
lncorporated TSL Co.. Ltd.. a new company to focus on marketing and sale for eyeglass retailers.
2000 Obtained 1S0900 l certification (Manufacture ans sales of eyeglass lenses, optical thin-film parts and contact lenses).
Released the lenses of l.74 refractive indexlm the world's first (Brand name: Anterior).
2001 Incorporated B.T.O. Co.. Ltd.. a new company to dedicate itself to retail sale of eyeglass lenses and franchising of retailers under the concept of "Face by Glasses" and"Charm with Glasses"
Released the proglessive lenses of l.67 refractive index with 12-mm corridor length. of company's unique design (Brand name : Variar)
2002 Completed Company's Toyokawa Plant and started production of optical functional parts Completed the new building of Ohno Plant of Estumi Optcal Co., Ltd
Started production of lenses with super- hydrophobic coating (Coating name : Splash Coat).
2003 Released the progressive lenses of l.67 refractive index with 8-mm corridor length, of company's unique design the world's first (Brand name : Variar SR).
2004 Started production of ITO film for touch panels for mobile phones and game machines.
2005 Released the coat superior in abrasion to glass-coated length. of company's unique design (Coating name : Esencia Coat).
Received the Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute Director Award. Completed the new building of Takai Seimitsu Industrial Co., Ltd .
IRBcut lens which cuts the transmission of infrared.(IR Blue Cut Coat).
2006 Approved as an Aichi Quality Company.
2007 Released the glass-type filter, dichromat spectacles to simulate colarvision deficiency the world's first (Brand name : Variantor)
Development of optical design with anti-reflection by fine processing, joint with the National lnstitue of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology the world's first.
Obtained ISO 14001 certification(Head office & Toyokawa plant) .
Received the Good Design Award for the color vision deficiency simulation glass "vatiantor".
2008 Selected as "300 of Japan Dynamic Monodzukuri SMEs" by METI.
Released the both sided aspherical lenses of 1.74 refractive index (Brand name : Anterior GZ).
2009 Released the HGC coated lenses featuring heat resistant (Brand name : Heat Guard Coat) .
Released the polarized lenses of l.67 refractive index (Brand name : Reciente polarized lense).
2010 Released the photochromic / polarized lenses of 1.55 refractive index (Brand name : Bensel polarized lenses).
Released the polarized lenses of l.60 refractive index (Brand name : Abonar polarized lenses).
Released the polarized lenses of l.74 refractive index the world's first.
Released the functional lenses for golf (Brand name : Eagle View).
Became a supporting member of the Color Universal Design Organization.
Received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education. Culture. Sports, Sience an Technology for the color vision deficiency simulation glass "Variantor".
Received the Minister Prize, the Ministry of Economy. Trade and lndustry in the Award for the Promotion of lndustry-Academia-Government Collaboration. Collaboration. for the color vision deficiency simulation glass "Variantor"
2012 Released the functional lenses for blocks blue light spectrum (Product name : D.L.C. Aqua Coat).
Released the Good Design. Award for the D.L.C. Aqua Coat lenses, Which blocks bIue light spectrum.
2013 Released the functional anti-fog lenses (Product name : Amazing Coat).
Released the external-progressive and internal-aspherical lenses with refractive indexes of l.60 and l.67 (Brand name : Quince).
2014 Released the functional lenses to block UV radiation by 99% (Product name : Menimo).
Released the internal progressive lenses with refractive indexes of 1.60. 1.67. and 1.74 (Brand name : Merius)
2015 Released the internal progressive lenses for middle/near vision with refractive indexes of 1.60 and 1.67 (Brand name : Roommin L).
Released the both aspherical single vision lenses with refractive index of 1.67 (Brand name : Reciente FZ).
2016 Released the convergence insufficiency for Proglessive lenses (Brand name : CIF-V).
Released the extended depth of field lenses (Brand name : ES Lens).
Received the Good Design Award (Eyeglass lenses of Half Photochromic Lens).
2017 Received the Nagoya Mayors Award. Nagoya City Industrial Grand Prix, for the extended depth of field lenses.
Released the high-curve optmal design lenses (Brand name : Sports RS).
2018 Approved as The Driving Company for the regional future by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Released the ultra-superhydrophobic lens (brand name: LOTUS COAT).
2019 Started production of DVD mirrors.
Exhibited at SID(The Society for Information Display)in San Jose.
Elderly Vision Simulator "Senior View".
Exhibited at IOFT 2019.
Launched 1.60, 1.67, and 1.74 double-sided progressive lenses (Brand name: Esperance).
2020 Launched 1.60, 1.67, and 1.74 individual lenses (Brand name: Gradual).
2021 Launched ultra-low reflection coating (Brand name: ULR Coat).
2022 World's First: Launched lenses made from plant-based raw materials, the first in the world to receive Biomass Mark certification (Brand name: Botanical).
2023 Launched high myopia lenses (product name: Slim View) designed to significantly reduce lens thickness.